Diablo Blockchain Benchmark Suite

Evaluating blockchains under realistic application workloads

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This page explains how to add a DApp to Diablo. The first step is to upload a DApp as a smart contract on the blockchain. The second step is to configure the workload configuration file as described below.

Below is an example of a gaming DApp configuration file with 4 variables: acc is a set of 2,000 user accounts, dapp is a set containing one instance of the dota DApp, loc is the set of Secondaries tagged with the string, us-east-2 is an AWS availability zone and end is the set of all endpoints. These two variables are used in the definition of the M function which defines 3 clients invoking the DApp from accounts in acc with the parameters parsed from update(1, 1) at the rate specified in the load section: each client sends 4,432 TPS for the first 50 seconds then 4,438 TPS for the next 70 seconds, which is the end of the test.

  - &loc { sample: !location [ "us-east-2" ] }|\label{line:workload-loc}|
  - &end { sample: !endpoint [ ".*" ] }|\label{line:workload-end}|
  - &acc { sample: !account { number: 2000 } }|\label{line:workload-acc}|
  - &dapp { sample: !contract { name: "dota" } }|\label{line:workload-dapp}|
  - number: 3|\label{line:workload-client-start}|
      location: *loc
      view: *end|\label{line:workload-client-end}|
        - interaction: !invoke
            from: *acc
            contract: *dapp
            function: "update(1, 1)"
            0: 4432
            50: 4438
            120: 0|\label{line:workload-load-end}|

Smart contracts

Here is a simple example of a Twitter DApp sending 280 characters written in Solidity (for Ethereum), Golang (for Hyperledger Fabric) and PyTeal (for Algorand).

In Solidity:

modifier checklen ( string memory data ) {
 require ( bytes ( data ). length <= maxlen ,
 " tweet too large " );
 _ ;
function tweet ( string memory data )
 public checklen ( data ) {
 tweets [ msg . sender ] = data ;
 emit NewTweet ( msg . sender , data );

In Golang:

func ( s * SmartContract ) Tweet (
 ctx contractapi . TransactionContextInterface ,
 message string , owner string ) error {
  if len ( message ) > MaxLen {
   return fmt . Errorf ( " tweet too large , % v " ,
   len ( message ))
  b := [] byte ( message )
  return ctx . GetStub (). PutState ( owner , b )

Another example in PyTeal that generates some TEAL program can be found here.

Further examples

Diablo comes with 5 built-in DApps available here. Each of these DApps is executed with some workloads available here or here.

Next steps